Hey, It's Nathalie!

Get in touch or learn more about my careers and hobbies. I enjoy networking and collaborating with other like-minded folks! My background ranges from Real Estate and Insurance, to IT/tech and Marketing (and many things in-between!)

Information Technology / Infosec

I've always had a passion for tech. I founded a web hosting company in the mid-1990s and currently work for a cloud hosting / MSP provider as Director of Operations.

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Promotional Marketing

My entrepreneurial and creative side needs an outlet. I've been a Promotional Marketing Consultant for 20+ years where "I help you cleverly stay in front of your customers through promotional products!"

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G33K SP33K Blog

My hobbies and shenanigans. Everything from geeky stuff to health & fitness (ok I do those things in a geeky way too!) 
Read at your own risk!

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Arduino and Biohacking
Flight to Defcon Hacking Conference
VR Stormtrooper
CTF Competition
Swag Box
Cryptocoin Mining
Fast Toyz
Nathalie and Louis